I am currently running my model fit diagnostics for my FE model (after Hausman Test lead me there) for my unbalanced panel data (over 20 years for 300 firm observations). My main variables of interest are ROA (continuous DV) and Firmstatus (Family /non-Family hence binary IV). As I would lose my Binary Firmstatus variable using the FE command I instead added dummies for Industry Fixed Effects and Year Fixed Effects to the normal regress command (which if I only believe there to be those two kinds of FE should lead to the same result, right?!). Please find the code and output below. When applying the VIF test afterwards quite a few dummies show a very high VIF, I however believe to have heard that high VIF in the fixed effects (hence in the dummies) is not an issue for as long as my main variables of interest do have low VIF. Is that correct?
Also my model excludes quite a few of the dummies due to multicollinearity. Is that something I can be relaxed about or should I exclude those dummies from the model? That however would lead to an inconsistent FE, wouldn't it? As only including the dummies for some years and some industries seems very counter-intuitive to me.
reg ROA Family_Firm_Identifier Founder_Identity FirmAge FirmSize Indebtedness dSIC* Dummy* note: dSIC_21 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_25 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_27 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_28 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_29 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_211 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_212 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_218 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_236 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_245 omitted because of collinearity note: dSIC_254 omitted because of collinearity note: Dummy1997 omitted because of collinearity Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1,941 -------------+---------------------------------- F(70, 1870) = 7.53 Model | 5.25591976 70 .075084568 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 18.653481 1,870 .009975124 R-squared = 0.2198 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.1906 Total | 23.9094008 1,940 .012324433 Root MSE = .09988 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROA | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Family_Firm_Identifier | .0188036 .0085665 2.20 0.028 .0020027 .0356044 Founder_Identity | -.0427618 .0098529 -4.34 0.000 -.0620856 -.0234379 FirmAge | .1853727 .1287851 1.44 0.150 -.0672048 .4379503 FirmSize | .003569 .0019351 1.84 0.065 -.0002263 .0073642 Indebtedness | -.0573934 .0159563 -3.60 0.000 -.0886874 -.0260993 dSIC_21 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_22 | -.1449583 .073005 -1.99 0.047 -.2881381 -.0017784 dSIC_23 | .0009146 .0764311 0.01 0.990 -.1489847 .1508138 dSIC_24 | -.0674274 .1009501 -0.67 0.504 -.2654141 .1305592 dSIC_25 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_26 | -.0012879 .0744527 -0.02 0.986 -.1473071 .1447313 dSIC_27 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_28 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_29 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_210 | -.0025597 .0872761 -0.03 0.977 -.1737286 .1686092 dSIC_211 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_212 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_213 | .0368844 .072704 0.51 0.612 -.1057052 .1794739 dSIC_214 | -.0374997 .0718448 -0.52 0.602 -.1784041 .1034047 dSIC_215 | -.0157173 .0762414 -0.21 0.837 -.1652445 .1338099 dSIC_216 | -.0230872 .0734984 -0.31 0.753 -.1672348 .1210603 dSIC_217 | .0176328 .0748015 0.24 0.814 -.1290703 .164336 dSIC_218 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_219 | .0173708 .0747813 0.23 0.816 -.1292929 .1640345 dSIC_220 | -.0658194 .0718646 -0.92 0.360 -.2067626 .0751238 dSIC_221 | -.0647588 .0718314 -0.90 0.367 -.205637 .0761194 dSIC_222 | .0349215 .0725374 0.48 0.630 -.1073412 .1771841 dSIC_223 | -.0128589 .072365 -0.18 0.859 -.1547835 .1290657 dSIC_224 | -.0398613 .0751402 -0.53 0.596 -.1872288 .1075062 dSIC_225 | -.0558447 .0743697 -0.75 0.453 -.201701 .0900116 dSIC_226 | -.0873475 .08709 -1.00 0.316 -.2581514 .0834563 dSIC_227 | .0127991 .0735681 0.17 0.862 -.1314851 .1570833 dSIC_228 | .0115055 .0752447 0.15 0.878 -.136067 .1590779 dSIC_229 | -.0619794 .0747614 -0.83 0.407 -.2086039 .084645 dSIC_230 | .0092115 .0731454 0.13 0.900 -.1342437 .1526668 dSIC_231 | -.0776747 .0724366 -1.07 0.284 -.2197397 .0643904 dSIC_232 | -.0282482 .0724722 -0.39 0.697 -.1703831 .1138868 dSIC_233 | -.0375641 .0725277 -0.52 0.605 -.1798078 .1046796 dSIC_234 | .0437672 .0746224 0.59 0.558 -.1025847 .1901191 dSIC_235 | .0005581 .0741014 0.01 0.994 -.1447721 .1458882 dSIC_236 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_237 | .0545687 .0726822 0.75 0.453 -.087978 .1971155 dSIC_238 | -.0074123 .0764702 -0.10 0.923 -.1573882 .1425637 dSIC_239 | .0703232 .0719653 0.98 0.329 -.0708175 .2114638 dSIC_240 | -.0552216 .0724247 -0.76 0.446 -.1972633 .0868201 dSIC_241 | -.1479057 .0721074 -2.05 0.040 -.2893251 -.0064862 dSIC_242 | -.0484005 .0813355 -0.60 0.552 -.2079184 .1111175 dSIC_243 | -.0688708 .072801 -0.95 0.344 -.2116505 .0739089 dSIC_244 | -.1035505 .0742998 -1.39 0.164 -.2492696 .0421687 dSIC_245 | 0 (omitted) dSIC_246 | .1040758 .1011427 1.03 0.304 -.0942886 .3024402 dSIC_247 | -.0621619 .0805607 -0.77 0.440 -.2201601 .0958364 dSIC_248 | -.0381583 .0924176 -0.41 0.680 -.2194108 .1430942 dSIC_249 | -.0188679 .0715424 -0.26 0.792 -.1591792 .1214434 dSIC_250 | -.0536758 .0791216 -0.68 0.498 -.2088517 .1015001 dSIC_251 | -.0338603 .1010242 -0.34 0.738 -.2319923 .1642717 dSIC_252 | -.0104392 .0723414 -0.14 0.885 -.1523176 .1314392 dSIC_253 | -.0396922 .075325 -0.53 0.598 -.1874221 .1080377 dSIC_254 | 0 (omitted) Dummy1996 | -.0074366 .0160545 -0.46 0.643 -.0389232 .0240499 Dummy1997 | 0 (omitted) Dummy1998 | .0033208 .0158193 0.21 0.834 -.0277046 .0343462 Dummy1999 | .0085642 .0155393 0.55 0.582 -.0219119 .0390403 Dummy2000 | .0076011 .0154038 0.49 0.622 -.0226093 .0378115 Dummy2001 | -.0204896 .0153838 -1.33 0.183 -.0506608 .0096817 Dummy2002 | -.013163 .0153123 -0.86 0.390 -.043194 .016868 Dummy2003 | -.0112213 .0153591 -0.73 0.465 -.0413441 .0189014 Dummy2004 | -.0097841 .0153916 -0.64 0.525 -.0399706 .0204023 Dummy2005 | -.0102948 .0154268 -0.67 0.505 -.0405503 .0199608 Dummy2006 | -.0059925 .0157086 -0.38 0.703 -.0368008 .0248158 Dummy2007 | -.0121173 .0157905 -0.77 0.443 -.0430863 .0188516 Dummy2008 | -.0196699 .015766 -1.25 0.212 -.0505907 .011251 Dummy2009 | -.0219917 .015882 -1.38 0.166 -.05314 .0091566 Dummy2010 | -.0055589 .0160647 -0.35 0.729 -.0370655 .0259477 Dummy2011 | -.0026359 .015913 -0.17 0.868 -.0338449 .0285731 Dummy2012 | -.0220094 .0159773 -1.38 0.169 -.0533446 .0093258 Dummy2013 | -.0035355 .0162617 -0.22 0.828 -.0354285 .0283574 Dummy2014 | -.0041097 .0161099 -0.26 0.799 -.0357051 .0274856 Dummy2015 | -.0189518 .0161629 -1.17 0.241 -.0506509 .0127473 Dummy2016 | -.0173793 .0162946 -1.07 0.286 -.0493368 .0145782 Dummy2017 | -.0176761 .0167466 -1.06 0.291 -.0505202 .015168 Dummy2018 | -.0204806 .0217803 -0.94 0.347 -.0631969 .0222356 _cons | -1.232561 .9828261 -1.25 0.210 -3.160112 .6949908 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . end of do-file . estat vif Variable | VIF 1/VIF -------------+---------------------- dSIC_249 | 104.81 0.009541 dSIC_214 | 68.10 0.014684 dSIC_221 | 65.86 0.015183 dSIC_241 | 56.85 0.017590 dSIC_220 | 51.88 0.019274 dSIC_239 | 50.17 0.019930 dSIC_231 | 41.79 0.023928 dSIC_213 | 35.76 0.027968 dSIC_230 | 33.20 0.030125 dSIC_240 | 32.05 0.031199 dSIC_223 | 31.02 0.032240 dSIC_252 | 30.50 0.032782 dSIC_233 | 30.17 0.033149 dSIC_232 | 29.63 0.033754 dSIC_243 | 27.39 0.036508 dSIC_237 | 27.30 0.036628 dSIC_222 | 27.19 0.036774 dSIC_22 | 21.96 0.045547 dSIC_216 | 17.57 0.056924 dSIC_227 | 17.08 0.058561 dSIC_225 | 14.22 0.070309 dSIC_235 | 14.12 0.070819 dSIC_234 | 13.23 0.075574 dSIC_244 | 12.58 0.079505 dSIC_26 | 12.09 0.082734 dSIC_228 | 11.79 0.084815 dSIC_217 | 11.65 0.085823 dSIC_224 | 11.20 0.089257 dSIC_219 | 11.10 0.090116 dSIC_229 | 11.09 0.090164 dSIC_253 | 9.03 0.110794 dSIC_215 | 8.10 0.123467 dSIC_238 | 7.57 0.132102 dSIC_23 | 7.56 0.132237 dSIC_250 | 5.62 0.177871 dSIC_247 | 5.18 0.192919 dSIC_242 | 4.63 0.216187 Founder_Id~y | 4.11 0.243097 Family_Fir~r | 3.49 0.286474 dSIC_210 | 3.05 0.328068 dSIC_226 | 3.04 0.329471 dSIC_248 | 2.56 0.389906 Dummy2002 | 2.19 0.457205 Dummy2003 | 2.18 0.458861 Dummy2005 | 2.18 0.459329 Dummy2004 | 2.17 0.461435 Dummy2001 | 2.16 0.461901 Dummy2000 | 2.15 0.465301 Dummy2006 | 2.10 0.476032 Dummy2007 | 2.10 0.476203 Dummy1999 | 2.10 0.476288 Dummy2008 | 2.09 0.477685 Dummy2009 | 2.08 0.481163 Dummy2014 | 2.07 0.483763 Dummy2016 | 2.07 0.484014 Dummy2011 | 2.06 0.484668 Dummy2015 | 2.06 0.486200 Dummy2012 | 2.06 0.486235 dSIC_246 | 2.05 0.488053 dSIC_251 | 2.04 0.489199 FirmSize | 2.04 0.489520 dSIC_24 | 2.04 0.489917 Dummy2010 | 2.03 0.492160 Dummy1998 | 2.02 0.495994 Dummy2013 | 2.01 0.497744 Dummy2017 | 2.00 0.499703 FirmAge | 1.97 0.507707 Dummy1996 | 1.96 0.510676 Indebtedness | 1.51 0.662036 Dummy2018 | 1.45 0.689321 -------------+---------------------- Mean VIF | 14.92 .
0 Response to very high VIF in FE: An issue?
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