I've recently written stata2leaflet 0.1.1, which uses the Mapbox API to get map tile images, and the JavaScript library leaflet.js to generate an interactive map in the browser with marker locations from Stata. This has always been a rather basic little program intended just to get people started in playing around with leaflet.js. I would like to include support for choropleths and such in due course, and if you write and tell me how much you'd enjoy that, I might do it sooner. https://github.com/robertgrant/stata2leaflet/tree/mapbox-2020

Tim Morris and I presented a completely revised Stata2D3 at London conf 2019. This uses the SVG output in Stata 14-16. At present it is also in its infancy and can only do a few limited things with circular markers. But, we would like to hear from you if you have particular wishes for it. I would like to see it make significant progress this year. https://github.com/robertgrant/stata2d3

I don't make it here that often, so it's probably best to email me at robert@bayescamp.com or tweet @robertstats