* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double pid byte completion str47 coursetitle byte engagement int minutesspent 9703090408089 100 "01. Why Work and Why YOUth Matter" 100 57 9703090408089 97 "02. Growth Mindset" 97 50 9703090408089 49 "03. Know Yourself to Grow Yourself" 49 30 9703090408089 86 "08. Money Management I" 86 38 9110275678088 69 "01. Why Work and Why YOUth Matter" 69 40 9110275678088 81 "02. Growth Mindset" 81 44 9110275678088 7 "03. Know Yourself to Grow Yourself" 7 58 9110275678088 83 "04. Expectations" 83 34 9110275678088 97 "05. Professionalism" 97 33 9110275678088 96 "06. Onboarding - Getting It Right" 96 24 9110275678088 84 "07. Succeeding in the Workplace" 84 38 9110275678088 100 "08. Money Management I" 100 44 9110275678088 96 "09. Money Management II" 96 46 9110275678088 0 "A. CV Prep and Cover Letter" 0 56 9110275678088 100 "S03. Know Your Industry" 100 23 9401080275085 100 "01. Why Work and Why YOUth Matter" 100 97 9401080275085 100 "02. Growth Mindset" 100 51 9401080275085 47 "03. Know Yourself to Grow Yourself" 47 92 9401080275085 83 "04. Expectations" 83 34 9401080275085 100 "05. Professionalism" 100 34 end
I attempted to run the code
reshape wide completion engagement minutesspent, i(pid) j("coursetitle") string
0 Response to Reshaping to wide with a string j variable
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