Hi all,

I would like know if dstdize use Direct standarization using WHO Standar (Ahmad et al. 2001: AGE STANDARDIZATION OF RATES:
A NEW WHO STANDARD), this paper use:

for populations A and B. where nis is the mid-year population in the ith age group of the standard population, ria
and rib are the death rates in age group i in populations A and B, respectively.

dstdize use:

where Ri is the stratum-specific rate in stratum i and wi is the weight for
stratum i derived from the standard population.

Uther method frequently used is preston et al. 1991, use:

for this method the commans are (from https://data.princeton.edu/eco572/std):

 infile str10 country str5 ageg pop deaths    using https://data.princeton.edu/eco572/datasets/preston21long.dat

 gen rates = 1000 * deaths / pop
 egen pcpop = pc(pop), by(country)
 egen avgcomp = mean(pcpop), by(ageg)

 * crude rate
tabstat rates[fw=pop], by(country)

*direct standarization
 tabstat rates [aw=avgcomp], by(country)
Do you know some method in stata for Direct standarization using WHO Standar (Ahmad et al. 2001)?

Thanks in advance