Hello, I've been trying to use the LCA plugin from Penn State for my analysis using Stata/IC. I successfully got results for the practice examples but when I try to input my own data (for the first example), I am getting the "assertion is false" error r(9). This is my code:

//set trace on​
drop _all​

cd C:\Users\anhns\OneDrive\Desktop\Release64-1.3.2\​
infile using LcaSampleDataset ​

/*Example 1: LCA model */​
doLCA Q13_1 Q13_2 Q13_3 Q13_4 Q13_5 Q13_6 Q15_1 Q15_3 Q15_4 Q15_5 Q15_6 Q15_7 Q15_8 Q17_1 Q17_2 Q17_3 Q17_4 Q17_5 swfeecalc_yes floodinsurance_yes, ///​
nclass(3) ///​
seed(100000) ///​
seeddraws(100000) ///​
categories(5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2) ///​
criterion(0.000001) ///​
rhoprior(1.0) ///​

return list​
matrix list r(gamma)​
matrix list r(gammaSTD)​
//matrix list r(rho)​
//matrix list r(rhoSTD)

After following advice from another forum to include "LcaSampleDataset 1/750" and "maxiter(800)", I received a different error code "varlist not allowed" r(101).

I am able to produce results on stata16 using gsem, but only for classes 1,2, and 3. When I try to use lclass(C 4), my results do not converge. Can somewhere tell me what I am doing wrong for either cases?