This is a continuation of my previous post Grouping values within a variable that Clyde Schechter has been helping me with.

The question was really clarification of creating my control and treatment group once I grouped values within a variable.

I groups states that expanded medicaid into a 1/0 variable -statemedicaid-

Now that is created, I want to make sure that my treatment and control groups are accurately created.

The treatment condition is the presence of an FQHC (the variable is 1/0)
The unit and analysis is by county

This is how I am thinking about my control and treatment groups

medicaid states:
1 control group that did not have an fqhc in the county
1 treatment group that had an FQHC

non-medicaid state:
1 control group that did not have an fqhc
1 treatment group that did have an FQHC

I previously mentioned in post #20 in Creating a year identifier you provided help on how to create the -ever_had_FQHC- and -wanted- variables. These variables were created with the thought that they would help with the pre-post period