
I have the following data below with id, result and results-date. I would like to tag by id and date, observations that have at least 2 consecutive values of >=20 and have this be "1" in the new variable. If an observation does not have 2 consecutive values, I would like this tagged "0" . So for example, id 1 in my example dataset below has a 20 and immediately followed by a 20, so in the new variable, id 1 will be tagged a 1. I used the following code below but I am not getting this at all.


egen tag = tag(id resultdate)
egen ngood = total(tag * (result >= 20)) , by(id)

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex


input byte(id result) int resultdate

1 20 20089

1 20 20211

1 35 20226

1 28 20227

1 33 20241

1 32 20281

2 12 20089

2 11 20211

2 13 20226

2 12 20241

2 12 20270

2 12 20298

3 23 20089

3 25 20211

3 28 20226

4 31 20089

4 12 20211

4 14 20226

4 27 20227

4 10 20241

5 20 20089

5 12 20211

5 13 20226

5 16 20241


format %tdnn/dd/CCYY resultdate