
Currently I have a database with the donators and theirs giving in UK. I had create 4 column : giv2, giv4, giv6, giv8 and if the person has given in the wave 2 the value in giv2 is 1; same reasoning for the others giv4,6,8.
I would like to create 4 new column with :
- never : never give on the 4 waves
- seldom : give 1 time over the 4 waves
- Time to time : give 2 or 3 times over the 4 waves
- Always : give 4 times over the 4 waves

I don't know how to do it, maybe with a max function ?
For the seldom this one could be work ? : bysort pidp: egen seldom = max(giv2==1 & giv4==1 & giv6==1 & giv8==1)

Thanks for your help