Hi, i received a bunch (several hundred) of xls. files that should be read into Stata. Unfortunately, the filename contains umlaut (ÄÖÜ), and this seems to produce an issue in the substr command (used to extract parts of the filename). I attached an example code to generate these filenames. Here, the second and third entry is shifted to the left by one position, e.g. mzp results in "-t" instead of "t3". Or the variable ID is 8 instead of 9 characters long.
Is there a trick to avoid this behaviour? I would like to avoid conditional coding, also renaming the filenames is not an option or the project

I´m using Stata 15.1. on a OS X 10.15.2. (Catalina)


input str50 filename 

gen str ID = substr(filename,9,9)
gen str mzp = substr(filename,19,2)
gen str phasestr = substr(filename,22,6)
gen str phase = substr(filename,4,2)