Hi all,

I have an issues in processing string.
I have a data set that includes some regions and a region has some data via year.
I use loop for processing data. However, I have a error. My code is :

local region_code "HN TH CT"
foreach region in `region_code' {
local year_code "2000 2001 2003"
foreach year in `year_code' {
local filename ""G:\Working""`region'""""`year'""""`region'""RT"" `region'""RT.DTA""
display `filename'
use `filename', clear

The result of display command is : G:\Working\HN\2000\HNRR\HNRR.DTA . But use command return an error : invalid '"HN' r(198).
I use : display “use `filename', clear” and the result is : use G:\Working""HN""""2000""""HN""RR""HN""RR.DTA", clear" invalid name
I gues the “filename” variable is: G:\Working\””HN””\””2000””\””H N””RR\””HN””RR.DTA, so I get an error use command.
Why is the filename different between filenam in display command and use command ?

Could you help me to resolve the problem please .
