
I want to run several regressions and store them. The name should contain a number randomly picked from a list of numbers, so I would end up with for example this order when I run the do-file
Model_3 ; Model_2 ; Model_4 ; Model_1 and a different order when I run it another time, e.g. Model_2 ; Model_1 ; Model_4 ; Model_3.

see also example code below

sysuse auto, clear
reg mpg price weight
estimates store Model_XXX // where XXX should be replaced by a random number from list "1 2 3 4"
reg mpg price weight length 
estimates store Model_XXX // where XXX should be replaced by a random number from list "1 2 3 4"
reg mpg price i.rep78 
estimates store Model_XXX // where XXX should be replaced by a random number from list "1 2 3 4"
reg mpg price i.rep78 turn
estimates store Model_XXX // where XXX should be replaced by a random number from list "1 2 3 4"
Is there some way to store models in such a way?

Thanks a lot,