I wish to write a program that can be applied to multiple scenarios. For example, consider the following program
*Program name - P1 capture program drop P1 program P1 eststo clear timer clear forvalues i=1(1)3{ timer on `i' quietly reg pv1math lbe ${reg`i'} timer off `i' timer list estadd scalar R = r(t`i') eststo Model`i' end }
However, I wish to have the ability to estimate multiple models with this program by changing only the line:
quietly reg pv1math lbe ${reg`i'}
Program P1 quietly reg pv1math lbe ${reg`i'}
Program P1 quietly mixed pv1math lbe ${reg`i'}, || country: || schoolid:
Program P1 quietly mixed numscore1 lbe ${reg`i'} [pw=w_fstuwt] || schoolid: || country:, nolog
If you are thinking about loops that require running all the regressions each time I want to estimate a single line then it is not a good idea. I need to be able to run the each of the regressions separately.
Thanks ahead (@Nick?)
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