I am very new to Stata - have just started my econometrics course and I am actually having a really difficult time with the commands and getting to do what I need!

My first project is on IMF inequality and I must analyse the available data and create a model that shows how being part of an IMF program affects inequality!
Task 1. Summarize the data including the norm (ops, mean, SD, Min and Max) as well as the type of variable and description. What is the command to add the type of variable (dummy, etc) and add description?
Task 2. Compare
* countries that were never under IMF program vs. countries that participated at least once and
* countries that are under IMF program in a specific year vs. countries that are currently not under IMF program in the year of observation
The first comparison is done with the command: . tabulate country prog_lag , summarize(gini_net) however the latter comparison I am unsure how to tabulate since including years makes the data too broad for the tabulate command. Any help here?
Task 3. Estimate the model that best explains the causation between IMF programs and inequality, it should be based on Gini_net and should include the variables bellow:
- lagged program participation,
- the hazard rate (for bias correction),
- and country-dummies (for country fixed effects) in the list of regressors (for the country dummies I've used this command: . tabulate country, generate(id_)
- also include GDP per capita and its square.
Would be great if you can give me a hand on these tasks!
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