Hello Stata experts,
I would like to make a scatter plot with marker size like in https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/g...ers/index.html but I am not able to apply this command when I also want to label each marker.

Example with :
input long w byte x float y str3 l
110815 81      499 "AUS"
147025 95      491 "AUS"
118100 96      500 "BEL"
 96722 90 516.6667 "CAN"
 64935 83 437.6667 "CHI"
 32365 78 405.3333 "COL"
 68168 91 495.3333 "CZE"
scatter y x [w=w]
gives the expected outcome with markers growing with w.

But if I try
scatter y x [w=w], mlabel(l)
, I do have the labels as expected but I lose the varying marker size.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? (Stata 16 for Mac OS X, by the way)

Thank you for your help