Hi all,

I am using a plug-in called traj from https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bjones/strtxmpl2.htm. It is a group based trajectory model, an example of a finite mixture model, using maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the model parameters. I am at the moment running loops to establish the correct number of trajectories and their polynomial order. Basically it runs thousands of combinations and based on different criterias (BIC, AIC entropy) which I will use to decide on the appropriate number of trajectories (groups) and polynomials. I am saving all combinations in a matrix for later evaluation.

Some of the combinations does not converge and others are to sparse (to few members in one cluster/trajectory). When this happens I get a warning message in red text in the Results window (for example "Warning: variance matrix is nonsymmetric or highly singular"). This is important information for me, since this indicates that the specific groupsize - polynomial combination might not be appropiate to use in the final model.
But is there a way to save the warning message in to a matrix? It is not reported in e() according to the help file...

All the best,
