
I`m trying to get graphs for my panel data. I`m looking to graph with a regression discontinuity design,

i) Average speed on my y-axis and month and year on the x-axis.
ii) Traffic observations on my y-axis and month and year on the x-axis

The cut-off point for my data is a change in the speed limit at a specific date in 2015.

I have hourly data for 5 different vehicle classes on 4 different road lanes for all years (2011-2018).
I am wondering about the following:

1) What commands I can utilize to get my graph?
2) What do I need to do to prepare my data set for commands?
3) I read somewhere that I should use bins. I have used the command egen MMYY = group(month year). Is this sufficient?

If more info about my work and/or my data set is needed, I will gladly elaborate.