I want to rename the varlists in different files having different the numbers of varlists.
I want do the following commods in first file
ren A v1_1
ren B v2_1
ren C v3_1
ren D v4_1
ren E v5_1
ren F v6_1
ren G v7_1
ren H v8_1
ren I v9_1
ren J v1_2
ren K v2_2
ren L v3_2
ren M v4_2
ren N v5_2
ren O v6_2
ren P v7_2
Do the following commods the other file
ren A v1_1
ren B v2_1
ren C v3_1
ren D v4_1
ren E v5_1
ren F v6_1
ren G v7_1
and there are so many files,so I wonder is there some way to simpliy this process,such as set a dictionary if the name is A,rename it as v1_1,or count the number of the varlists,and execute the first few columns,but I don't know how to realize this idea.