Dear Users,
I have two freq tables as follows:

Table 1
            pml |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      poor_poor |     10,916       54.90       54.90
   poor_nonpoor |        962        4.84       59.74
   nonpoor_poor |      1,810        9.10       68.84
nonpoor_nonpoor |      6,196       31.16      100.00
          Total |     19,884      100.00

Table 2
            pmu |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      poor_poor |  8,827.596       44.40       44.40
   poor_nonpoor | 2,809.7888       14.13       58.53
   nonpoor_poor | 5,488.3671       27.60       86.13
nonpoor_nonpoor |  2,758.248       13.87      100.00
          Total |     19,884      100.00
I want to construct a 4 x 2 matrix from the two tables.
The two columns to be Percent column of Table 1 (54.90, 4.84, ...) and the corresponding Percent column of Table 2 (44.40, 14.13,...). The four rows to be as already defined.

I will appreciate your suggestions.
