Dear all,

im trying to combine to graphs and adding different titles to each one in the combined graph.
My problem is, that I also need the single/uncombined graphs without titles.

So here is my code:

foreach v of varlist married {
    forval sex=0/1{
    collapse (mean) `v'_orig `v', by (age sex) 
    tw (lin `v'_orig age if sex==`sex', sort lcolor(black) lpattern(solid)) (lin `v' age if sex==`sex', sort lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)), ///
    xtitle (Age) ytitle(Share of married individuals) scheme(s1mono) legend(order(1 "before simulation" 2 "after simulation")) name(`v'_g`sex', replace)

    graph save  "${graphs}`v'_g`sex'", replace
    graph export "${graphs}`v'_g`sex'", replace 

    grc1leg `v'_g1 `v'_g0, /// 2er Grafik
    xcommon ycommon graphregion(color(white)) t1title(women) t2title(men) ///

    graph save  "${graphs}`v'_g`sex'_combined", replace
    graph export "${graphs}`v'_g`sex'_combined", replace    
However, if I run the command:

 grc1leg `v'_g1 `v'_g0, /// 2er Grafik
    xcommon ycommon graphregion(color(white)) t1title(women) t2title(men)
The titles women and men are not next to each other on top of each graph but above each other in the middle of the two graphs.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you very much for your help.