Dear All,
I have two datasets. The first is a cross-sectional dataset for the 2017/2018 cropping season consisting of treatnent (i.e., whether household is exposed or not to land grabbing), household characteristics, food security information, crop and animal production. The second dataset is a panel dataset for the 2016/2017 (i.e. the baseline before exposure to lang grabbing) and 2017/2018 (i.e. after exposure to lang grabbing). It also contains information about household exposure to land grabbing (treatment), household characteristics, food securty, animal and crop production. My objective is to analyse the impact of household expoure to land grabbing on food security. My question is: Is it acceptable to analyse the panel data using diff-in-diff and then sustantiating such results by analysing the cross-sectional data with endogenous switching regression?
Thank you.
Abdallah Alidu.