Dear all

I am using the South African National Income Dynamics Survey (NIDs) and have successively created a panel dataset across all 5 waves.
I am wanting to reshape my cleaned dataset from wide to long form. I know that the reshape command is simple enough, but after extensive research, i still cannot understand it.
This may be because my stata program does not process the command and makes the computer very slow.

My code is:

reshape long w@_hhid w@_access w@_distance w@_sanitation ///
w@_educ_yrs w@_missed w@_hhsize w@_elec w@_province ///
w@_inc w@_nchild w@_age w@_race w@_order w@_age2 ///
w@_m_mhealth w@_f_mhealth w@_nli w@_head_empl ///
w@_feduc w@_meduc w@_dwell_type ///
w@_hhincome w@_gen_head w@_area w@_health_stat, i(pid) j(wave)

rename w_* *

tab wave, m

Could anyone provide me with any advice as to whether these are the correct steps?

Kind regards
Sophie Gebers