I want the graph to compare past inheritances with the expectation of future inheritances
I would like the data to be grouped as follows
The value of past inheritances in Euros
0, up to 10000, up to 100000, and over 100000
Expectation of future inheritances is a binary variable where 1 = expects a future inheritance
My code looks as follows
gen gift_class_nozero = 0 if gift_total < . quietly foreach cut in 10000 100000 { replace gift_class_nozero = `cut' if inrange(gift_total, `cut', .) } label define gift_class_nozero 0 "<10K" 10000 "<100K" 100000 "100K+ " ,replace label val gift_class_nozero gift_class_noerzo
mi xeq: tab expectation gift_class_nozero, cell
In the picture I attached you see that the categories are not named as I want and also there is no 100K+ category, to cover for inheritances larger than a certain amount. What did I do wrong?
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