Dear all,
I am trying to plot fitted values on the month variable. Where Month variable has information for the months from Jan to Aug and then Dec. There is no information available for the months of Sep to Nov. I am using the following code:
reg nfhs3_n i.month12 if round ==3
margins month12, saving("D:\Dropbox\UNICEF\NFHS3.dta", replace)
reg nfhs_com i.month12 if round ==3
margins month12, saving("D:\Dropbox\UNICEF\NFHS4.dta", replace)
combomarginsplot "D:\Dropbox\UNICEF\NFHS3.dta" "D:\Dropbox\UNICEF\NFHS4.dta", labels("Actual NFHS3 " "Estimated NFHS-3") ytitle (Mean Predicted Values) title(ZWFH)
It is generating the following graph
Since there is no coefficient reported for the months of Sep, Oct and Nov. It is simply connecting the coefficient for the month of Aug to coefficient for the month of Dec.
Doubt: However, I would like to have a blank line instead of connecting line over these missing months. Is there way to do this?
Thank you.
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