I am having some trouble with my margins command after -gsem-. Here below my data looks like with the codes for the models/results. I have not used -gsem- much before, could anyone possibly shed some light please on the error message "prediction is a function of possibly stochastic quantities other than e(b)". I essentially would like to use the marginsplot after the margins command.
gsem (x1 <- x2) (y <- c.visit##c.visit##x1 M1[id]), cov(e.x1*e.y)
Generalized structural equation model Number of obs = 9,204
Response : x1 Number of obs = 9,204
Family : Gaussian
Link : identity
Response : y Number of obs = 4,007
Family : Gaussian
Link : identity
Log likelihood = -15200.264
( 1) [y]M1[id] = 1
| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
x1 |
x2 | .4505208 .0073391 61.39 0.000 .4361365 .4649052
_cons | -4.43e-12 .0051929 -0.00 1.000 -.0101779 .0101779
y |
visit | -2.148707 .0975071 -22.04 0.000 -2.339818 -1.957597
c.visit#c.visit | .1313148 .0085292 15.40 0.000 .1145979 .1480317
1.x1 | 1.246192 .7017901 1.78 0.076 -.1292914 2.621675
x1#c.visit |
1 | -.1323187 .1542915 -0.86 0.391 -.4347245 .1700872
x1#c.visit#c.visit |
1 | .0035332 .0133594 0.26 0.791 -.0226506 .0297171
M1[id] | 1 (constrained)
_cons | 16.28748 .2392633 68.07 0.000 15.81853 16.75642
var(M1[id])| 13.25954 .8375103 11.71559 15.00696
var(e.x1)| .1239373 .001827 .1204077 .1275703
var(e.y)| 15.39041 .5084105 14.42552 16.41984
cov(e.x1,e.y)| -.2184486 .0986 -2.22 0.027 -.411701 -.0251963
margins, at(x1=(0/1) visit=(0/11)) predict(outcome(y) fixed)
prediction is a function of possibly stochastic quantities other than e(b)
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