Dear all,

I am using IPDmetan after glm with different types of outcomes : count and continuous.
This is an example of my syntax for the 7 continuous outcomes I have:
foreach i in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 {
quietly ipdmetan, nograph study(study) saving(Data\Temp\contin`i'ga0.dta, replace): glm contin`i' arm if ga==0
Then I append the datasets created from the "saving" option in order to compile the results in an Excel table later. Below an example of the data I get after IPDmetan.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(_USE _STUDY) str27 _LABELS double(_ES _seES _LCI _UCI _WT) int _NN str19 _EFFECT
1 1 "Trial1"                         .0010613075941062952  .06632984378750287 -.12894279732956715 .13106541251777976  42.59066359681475 1715 "0.00 (-0.13, 0.13)" 
1 2 "Trial2"                        .24214579475676037   .0960527743520479   .0538858164115939 .43040577310192685 20.310121853648674  659 "0.24 (0.05, 0.43)"  
1 3 "Trial3"                         -.0695742444152431   .2143070457804755 -.48960833577815155  .3504598469476653  4.079993362829599  175 "-0.07 (-0.49, 0.35)"
1 4 "Trial4"                 -.03980224575512546  .07533256676238938 -.18745136347236774 .10784687196211683  33.01922118670698 1084 "-0.04 (-0.19, 0.11)"
5 . "Overall (I-squared = 51.1%)"  .033651107808174985 .043287866134241654 -.05119155078252974 .11849376639887971                100 3633 "0.03 (-0.05, 0.12)" 
label values _STUDY _STUDY
label def _STUDY 1 "Trial1", modify
label def _STUDY 2 "Trial2", modify
label def _STUDY 3 "Trial3", modify
label def _STUDY 4 "Trial4", modify
Thanks for your help