(I'm using version 15.1)
I am reading in a series of similarly formatted Excel files. (These are precinct election returns for New Mexico, in which each file contains the results for a separate office --- governor, senator, etc.) I was successful in reading in one of the Excel files by issuing the simple command:

import excel using "new mexico governor.xlsx", clear

(By "successful" I mean that all rows of the first worksheet in the file were pulled in --- 41 --- and that all columns were pulled in (A, B, and C). All the data elements from the spreadsheet were included in the import.)

However, when I went to read in the next file by issuing the command:

import excel using "new mexico attorney gen.xlsx", clear

I ended up with a Stata dataset that had the correct structure (41 rows and columns A, B, and C), but all the data were missing.

The same thing happened with the other spreadsheets I tried this on.

I have tried: (1) using all the options to the import excel command and (2) re-downloading the spreadsheets.

Any thoughts?