Hello everybody,
I would like to calculate a correlation matrix with mi-data. I came across the following syntax on the Internet (https://www.stata.com/statalist/arch...7/msg01382.htm).
It works very well, but I miss the p-values. Does everyone have an idea to add the p-values?

Thank you very much,

/***** begin MI correlation ******************/
cap program drop ecorr
program ecorr, eclass
    version 11
    syntax [varlist] [if] [in] [aw fw] [, * ]
    if (`"`weight'"'!="") {
        local wgt `weight'`exp'
    marksample touse
    corr `varlist' `if' `in' `wgt', `options'
    tempname b V
    mata: st_matrix("`b'", vech(st_matrix("r(C)"))')
    local p = colsof(`b')
    mat `V' = J(`p',`p',0)
    local cols: colnames `b'
    mat rownames `V' = `cols'
    eret post `b' `V' [`wgt'] , obs(`=r(N)') esample(`touse')
    eret local cmd ecorr
    eret local title "Lower-diagonal correlation matrix"
    eret local vars "`varlist'"


cap program drop micorr
program micorr, rclass
    tempname esthold
    _estimates hold `esthold', nullok restore
    qui mi estimate, cmdok: ecorr `0'
    tempname C_mi
    mata: st_matrix("`C_mi'", invvech(st_matrix("e(b_mi)")'))
    mat colnames `C_mi' = `e(vars)'
    mat rownames `C_mi' = `e(vars)'
    di as txt "Multiple-imputation estimate of the correlation matrix"    
    di as txt "(obs=" string(e(N_mi),"%9.0g") ")"
    matlist `C_mi'
    return clear
    ret matrix C_mi = `C_mi'

sysuse auto, clear
set seed 12345
replace mpg = . if runiform()>0.9
mi set wide
mi register imputed mpg weight price
mi impute mvn mpg weight price, add(20)
micorr mpg weight price