I am part of a research team analyzing survey data regarding attitudes towards a specific health practice. Individuals were asked what is good or bad about a specific practice, and the answers were collected in a text format (open-ended). The research team then recoded these open-ended answers into specific categories. The recoded data looks like this - at least for some of the good reasons for the practice:
clear input double id str70 FGCgood_Numeric 30 "26" 31 "26" 32 "26" 33 "14" 34 "21" 35 "21" 36 "19" 37 "26" 38 "26" 39 "26" 40 "26" end
Practice Good ?
| Freq. Percent Valid Cum.
Valid 1 Cleanliness-Avoid Itching | 6 1.12 1.14 1.14
2 Reglious Requirement-Ancestors, Gods, Koran | 13 2.42 2.46 3.60
3 Bonding with peers | 2 0.37 0.38 3.98
4 Teach Traditional Discipline | 1 0.19 0.19 4.17
5 Education-Teach Values | 8 1.49 1.52 5.68
6 Socialization/Initiation/RitesPassage | 9 1.67 1.70 7.39
7 SelfIdentity/Makes you a woman/Respect | 2 0.37 0.38 7.77
Among Peers |
9 CommunityCelebration-DanceMusicFood | 8 1.49 1.52 9.28
10 Culture Values and Practices | 3 0.56 0.57 9.85
11 Culture-Discipline/Teach Discipline | 3 0.56 0.57 10.42
12 Culture-DressPretty | 1 0.19 0.19 10.61
13 Culture-Girls Excited | 1 0.19 0.19 10.80
14 Culture-Girls trained for family life, | 12 2.23 2.27 13.07
better woman |
15 Culture-learn manners | 1 0.19 0.19 13.26
16 Culture - Marriage | 1 0.19 0.19 13.45
18 Culture-Moral and traditional training | 2 0.37 0.38 13.83
19 Maintains culture | 32 5.95 6.06 19.89
21 Chastity/Chaste/Modesty | 6 1.12 1.14 21.02
22 Tame Clitoris/ClitorisOvergows/Cant Hide | 3 0.56 0.57 21.59
Clitoris |
23 Control/Reduce women's libido appetitie, | 20 3.72 3.79 25.38
premature sexuality |
24 Decrease/Prevent | 11 2.04 2.08 27.46
Promiscuity/Fidelity/KeepOneMan |
26 None/Dont Know/Not | 383 71.19 72.54 100.00
Good/Nothing/Wrong/Mistake |
Total | 528 98.14 100.00
Missing . | 10 1.86
Total | 538 100.00
Is there any way to achieve what I want here?
Once I create the series of single variables (that will represent statements that either agree or disagree with a reason, I will then run Factor Analysis to extract the underlying dimensions.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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