I have monthly files which names are composed by a standard pattern ("TabelaUnificada_" and respective month/year) followed by a unstandardized pattern (see attachment). I would prefer not to delete the unstandardized pattern from their names once this tells me the exact version of the file I downloaded. There is only one file per month/year.

I would like to zip all files in a loop. The loop below would only work if I manually delete the unstandardized pattern from the file names.

forval i = 2008/2014  {
foreach j in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12  {

zipfile directory TabelaUnificada_`i'`j', saving(TabelaUnificada_`i'`j', replace)
I get this error when I run the code above:
specify at least one file or folder to include in the zip file

end of do-file

Is there a way I could call the files making reference only to the standardized pattern of their name?