Dear everyone,

I am working for the first time with average marginal effects (AME) and have some questions regarding this:

1) In order to obtain the AME I used the "logit" command with all my variables and then used the " margins, dydx(*)" command. My question is now whether I can also interpret the LR chi2(21) , the Prob > chi2 and the Pseudo R2 statistics of the former calculated logit model, or do they exclusively belong to the logit model? In my understanding this should not be possible, but my superviser still said that I should interpret these statistics.
2) I also used the "estat ic" command to get the AIC and BIC statistics. Now again, are these statistics only refering to the logit model or also to the AME model?

If this is also interesting for you guys to know: I am doing a binary logistic regression with predictor and control variables of metric, ordinal and nominal scale.

Thank you very much!