I'm working on a project where I'm using running a regression discontinuity design for multiple bandwidths and I'm having trouble with the interactions between estout and rdrobust.
The table I would like to have would be something formatted similar to this table from Lee et. al. 2004.

The code I currently have is below here. It works to create a table but the columns and rows are rotated and I'm unable to report the number of effective observations for different bandwidths.
I used The Stata-to-LaTex Guide, regression table 5 as reference when trying to find a solution.
// directory setup:
local root_dir //input desired directory
cd "`root_dir'"

// packages:

ssc install estout, replace
net install rdrobust, from(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rdpackages/rdrobust/master/stata) replace

use "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rdpackages/rdrobust/master/stata/rdrobust_senate.dta", clear

//Rdrobust Regressions:
eststo class_bwauto: rdrobust class margin, all
eststo class_bw5: rdrobust class margin, all h(5 5)
eststo class_bw10: rdrobust class margin, all h(10 10)

eststo population_bwauto: rdrobust class margin, all
eststo population_bw5: rdrobust class margin, all h(5 5)
eststo population_bw10: rdrobust class margin, all h(10 10)

// Table creation:
esttab *_bwauto using "table.tex", replace f ///
  prehead(\begin{tabular}{l*{@M}{r}} \\\toprule) ///
  b(3) se(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)  ///
  keep(Robust) varlabels(Robust " MSE-optimal bandwidth") ///
  label booktabs noobs nonotes collabels(none) ///

esttab *_bw5 using "table.tex", append f ///
  b(3) se(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)  ///
  keep(Robust) varlabels(Robust "Bandwidth = 5") ///
  label booktabs nodep nonum nomtitles nolines noobs nonotes collabels(none) ///

esttab *_bw10 using "table.tex", append f ///
  postfoot(\bottomrule \end{tabular}) ///
  b(3) se(3) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)  ///
  keep(Robust) varlabels(Robust "Bandwidth = 10", elist(Robust \bottomrule)) ///
  label booktabs collabels(none) nomtitles nolines nonum ///
  alignment(D{.}{.}{-1}) sfmt(%6.0fc)
Thank you so much for any help you are able to offer!