Hello all,
I am Florence Ijagbone. I am working on the social welfare function as part of my PhD programme on income inequality in Nigeria.
I want to know if its normal for Box- Cox regression, Lambda model to come up with 0.000 standard errors for the coefficients and sigma constant.
And please, how do I interprete the Sigma constant in the result?.
The regression result is shown below in the original output and tabular form:
Number of obs = 66
LR chi2(2) = 16.99
Log likelihood = -270.79042 Prob > chi2 = 0.000
socialwelf~e | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
/lambda | .3419019 .3273188 1.04 0.296 -.2996312 .9834351
Estimates of scale-variant parameters
| Coefficient
Notrans |
_cons | 6.590964
Trans |
meanincome | .0389765
ginicomple~t | .1702596
/sigma | .9716801
Test Restricted LR statistic
H0: log likelihood chi2 Prob > chi2
lambda = -1 -283.81911 26.06 0.000
lambda = 0 -271.4806 1.38 0.240
lambda = 1 -271.8932 2.21 0.138
Social Welfare Function
Intercept 6.591
Mean Income 0.039
Gini Complement 0.170
Intercept 0.342
Intercept 0.972
Number of observations 66
Thank you for your kind contribution.
Florence Ijagbone
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