I have a balanced panel data on 41 countries over 39 years. I merged the data with a shapefile and all worked as expected. I also created spatial weighting matrices successfully. However, when I use these matrices in the panel regression estimation using xsmle I get an error indicating that the weighting matrices are not valid. I would greatly appreciate your help.
Blow are summaries from my code.
spset Sp dataset: fulldata.dta Linked shapefile: Africa_shp.dta Data: Panel Spatial-unit ID: _ID (equal to iso) Time ID: year (see xtset) Coordinates: _CY, _CX (latitude-and-longitude, miles)
preserve keep if year == 2000 spmatrix create contiguity Wc // contiguity spmatrix create idistance Widist // inverse distance restore
. spmatrix summarize Wc Weighting matrix Wc --------------------------------------- Type | contiguity Normalization | spectral Dimension | 41 x 41 Elements | minimum | 0 minimum > 0 | .1856635 mean | .0189971 max | .1856635 Neighbors | minimum | 1 mean | 4.195122 maximum | 9 --------------------------------------- . spmatrix summarize Widist Weighting matrix Widist --------------------------------------- Type | idistance Normalization | spectral Dimension | 41 x 41 Elements | minimum | 0 minimum > 0 | .0062247 mean | .0224497 max | .3301543 ---------------------------------------
xsmle y x1 x2 x3 x4 , dlag(3) wmat(Wc) model(sdm) fe dlag(3) effects nolog xsmle y x1 x2 x3 x4 , dlag(3) wmat(Widist) model(sdm) fe dlag(3) effects nolog
Wc is not a valid spmat object
Widist is not a valid spmat object
0 Response to xsmle error spatial weighting matrix "is not a valid spmat object"
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