Hi All,

I have the following dataset. test2=sums_of_squares_weight/total_passenger_perday_adjusted gives a desirable vectorized output. However, test1=total_passenger_perday/total_passenger_perday_adjusted gives a constant. I am not sure what is unique with columns 2 and 3. Could this be a bug?

sums_of_squares_weight total_passenger_perday total_passenger_perday_adjusted test2 test1
.0711111 61 183 .0003886 .3333333
.0711111 61 183 .0003886 .3333333
.0711111 61 183 .0003886 .3333333
.0711111 14 42 .0016931 .3333333
.0711111 14 42 .0016931 .3333333
.0711111 14 42 .0016931 .3333333
30.23162 5523 16569 .0018246 .3333333
30.23162 5523 16569 .0018246 .3333333
30.23162 5523 16569 .0018246 .3333333
30.23162 2414 7242 .0041745 .3333333

Any hint will be much appreciated!