I want to generate a dummy variable which takes the value of 1 if the variable "Score" is bigger or equal than the country-year median and 0 otherwise. I have a list of firms in different countries in different years taking a loan, so for example I have a firm from the US taking a loan in 2005 and also in 2010. Now I want to sort my panel data according to country and year and then calculate for each country and year the median of "Score". In a next step I want to compare the median Score to the individual Score for each firm. For example I have calculated the median score for borrowers in the US in 2010 and then I compare this score with each individual firm taking a loan in the US in 2010, and if the individual score is higher or equal to the median the dummy variable is 1 and 0 otherwise. I dont know how to do this and would be grateful for every help!
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