I find an annoying problem recently. I search packages and Stata returns nothing, but these packages are just stored at SSC and can be installed sucessfully by typing ssc install packagename.
search survwgt, all ssc describe survwgt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package survwgt from http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE 'SURVWGT': module to create and manipulate survey weights DESCRIPTION/AUTHOR(S) survwgt creates sets of weights for replication-based variance estimation techniques for survey data. These include balanced repeated replication (BRR) and several version of the survey jackknife (JK*). These replication methods are alternates to the Taylor series linearization methods used by Stata's svy-based commands. KW: raking KW: survey weights KW: replication KW: variance estimation Requires: Stata version 7.0 Author: Nick Winter, University of Virginia Support: email nwinter@virginia.edu Distribution-Date: 20180211 INSTALLATION FILES (type net install survwgt) survwgt.ado survwgt.sthlp ../b/brr_hadamardmatrixfile.ado ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (type ssc install survwgt to install)
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