Hi, for the sake of my question I will use the following variables: dependent = lnwage, control1 = gender, control2 = education level

I want to do a regression on log wages and the interaction between gender and edu level.

Currently to run the regression I am using the following input

reg lnwage i.gender##edu

The base levels are gender: male and edu: level 1

From my understanding the interpretation of the coeff of female#level 2 = -0.2

Would be a female with a level 2 education receives 20% less than a male with a level 1 education. And a female with a level 3 edu receives 15% less than a male with a level 1 edu etc.. Since male, level one is the base.

However, I want to be able to get output that allows me to interpret the coeff as a female with a level 2 edu receives 20% less than a male with a level 2 edu and a female with a level 3 edu receives 15% less than a male with a level 3 edu and so on.

Basically I'd like a regression in which the females edu level is compared with a male of the same edu level, rather than a male at the base edu level, for every edu level, including the base level 1.

I hope this makes sense. I am new to stata and haven't interpreted statistical values in years.