Hello everyone,
I want to regress a multiple linear regression with specific-to-general approach. Data is cross-sectional.
When I arrive to the "general part", i.e., when I regress all the explanatory variables, Stata give me the following output:
note: ExtDebt_st omitted because of collinearity
note: d_cadeficit omitted because of collinearity
Linear regression Number of obs = 20
F(0, 0) = .
Prob > F = .
R-squared = 1.0000
Root MSE = 0
measure5 Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
ExtDebt_Y -.4007928 . . . . .
ExtDebt_Rev .1326765 . . . . .
ExtDebt_st 0 (omitted)
StDebt_Res -.0299289 . . . . .
Req 4.05e-08 . . . . .
d_cadeficit 0 (omitted)
DebtServ -7.22e-08 . . . . .
DebtServ_Exp .1116721 . . . . .
Imp_g -.481677 . . . . .
ToT .159308 . . . . .
ToT_vol -.0348173 . . . . .
GovBal -9.080048 . . . . .
Res -1.50e-08 . . . . .
PubDebt_Y .1607193 . . . . .
UStreasbill_3m 2.699852 . . . . .
Infl -.6063821 . . . . .
IntRate -.7561431 . . . . .
IntRate_US -.2539878 . . . . .
REER -.6654026 . . . . .
REER_ov -1.387996 . . . . .
REER_vol -.0224815 . . . . .
_cons 53.01804 . . . . .
Do you have any suggestions of what should i do?
Thank you in advance.
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