Hello, I am trying to make the following code work but it returns "var not found r(111);" I understand the problem is in the else statement. Any help will be appreciated, thank you, Alberto


version 17
clear all
set more off
***************************************GEN TOY DATASET**************************
input str2(x1 x2 x3 x4)
1 4 6 Su
2 Su 7 9
3 Un 8 10
4 7 9 Un
5 5 10 12
destring _all, replace //note: x2 & x4 remain strings
****************************************PROGRAM*** ******************************
local cleanvar x1 x2 x3 x4

foreach var of local cleanvar {

capture confirm string variable `var'
if !_rc {
*here do nothing because numeric

else {
replace `var' =".a" if var == "Su"
replace `var' =".b" if var == "Un"
destring `var', replace

saveold try_tidy.dta, replace