I am having several issues in my code. I am trying to run a number of regression models and following this command I am using the parmest command in order to store the relevant variables I need, the estimate, SE, P value and confidence intervals. Below I write an example of my code. When trying to run this command though I am receiving the error message option format() not allowed, r(198);

parmest, format(p %8.1e) list(parm estimate p, clean noobs) saving(`a1')

Does anyone know why this is and a way to fix it.

My next attempt was to run the following code

parmest, label eform saving(`a2')

this worked however I have noticed that when I look into the final dataset that should have collated all the estimates from the parmest command, they are not the correct value. The pvalue is correct but the estimate not.

Again does anyone have any advice on how to fix this?

Many thanks in advance

Adam Mitchell