Hi everyone,

Could please share your opinion on how should I interpret and explain the results of the following multiple regression analysis.

Dependent variable: bcY which is Box-Cox transformed data. Original data related to the dependent variable is a 7-points Likert scale that in this study it is considered as a continuous variable.

Independent variables:
Cntrd-IV(1) to (7) which are mean-centered values
Group: belongingness to group 1 or group 2
Cntrd-IV(1) to (6) × Group: interaction terms
bcY Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval] Sig
Cntrd-IV(1) -.015 .006 -2.32 .021 -.027 -.002 **
Cntrd-IV(2) .031 .008 3.93 0 .016 .047 ***
Cntrd-IV(3) .003 .008 0.34 .734 -.013 .019
Cntrd-IV(4) .015 .009 1.67 .096 -.003 .034 *
Cntrd-IV(5) -.01 .006 -1.60 .109 -.023 .002
Cntrd-IV(6) 0 .008 0.01 .994 -.017 .017
Cntrd-IV(7) -.005 .006 -0.77 .443 -.016 .007
: base Group1 0 . . . . .
Group2 .166 .173 0.96 .336 -.173 .506
Cntrd-IV(1) × Group .011 .011 1.00 .32 -.011 .034
Cntrd-IV(2) × Group -.014 .013 -1.15 .25 -.039 .01
Cntrd-IV(3) × Group .023 .013 1.74 .082 -.003 .048 *
Cntrd-IV(4) × Group -.012 .013 -0.88 .377 -.037 .014
Cntrd-IV(5) × Group -.004 .01 -0.37 .708 -.023 .016
Cntrd-IV(6) × Group -.016 .012 -1.33 .185 -.04 .008
Constant 3.538 .111 31.77 0 3.32 3.757 ***
Mean dependent var 3.644 SD dependent var 1.983
R-squared 0.141 Number of obs 508
F-test 6.610 Prob > F 0.000
Akaike crit. (AIC) 2089.367 Bayesian crit. (BIC) 2152.824
*** p<.01, ** p<.05, * p<.1

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.