Good evening experts,

I was wondering if any of you could please assist me with the following:
I have two different variables "Bacterial_species" and "virus". "Bacterial_species" has four categories which are bact2, bact3, bact5, bact6. While "Virus" has two categories ("yes" "No" & "Unknown"). I have combined the two variables because I would like to see the number of patients who have had co-infections. I used the following code:

egen coinfection = group(bacterial_species virus), missing label lname(coinfect) truncate(3)
label var coinfection "Bacterial confection with virus"
tab coinfection, missing

As a result, I was able to see the number of people who had a specific bacterial species and virus co-infection, who didn't, and the unknowns (see attached pic).

However, I would like to re-arrange these categories into four. 1)bact3 or/and bact5 coinfection with virus 2)bact2 or/and bact6 coinfection with virus 3)No Co-infection 4) Unknown

Any assistance would be extremely helpful! Thank you very much in advance!