Dear All, I have this graph:

obtained by (Thanks to Nick Cox),
set scheme s1color

bysort year: egen y_chn = mean(y) if id == 3
bysort year: egen y_rest = mean(y) if id != 3

twoway (line y_chn year) (line y_rest year, lpattern(shortdash)), ///
ytitle("Tourists") ylabel(0(1000)4000) ///
xtitle("year") xlabel(2000(4)2016) xline(2008, lpattern(dash_dot)) ///
legend(position(11) cols(1) ring(0) lab(1 "China") lab(2 "Other Countries"))
*graph save "Graph" "F2-Trends.gph", replace
graph export "F2-Trends.pdf", as(pdf) name("Graph") replace
graph export "F2-Trends.png", as(png) name("Graph") replace
The problem is that, the words on the top left side (Other Countries) are not completely in the square. Any suggestions? Thanks.