Hello everybody,

I've been using this forum for reading very useful tips, for which I am really greatful. I am new to Stata and I'm struggling a bit in becoming familiar with it. I have an issue which I think it is pretty stupid but it is driving me crazy.

I have a dataset (made by numeric variables, already checked it out) and I simply need to take the difference between two variables, which I did as
gen dev= Actual - SmartEstimate
but I got nosense numbers.
Here's a screenshot of the dataset
The dataset contains US macro variables ordered per date and name, I need to take the difference between the Actual value of the variabele and its estimate (SmartEstimate), but as you can see in column dev, the numbers are completely nosense. The SD is the standard deviation computed as egen SD=sd(SmartEstimate), by(Name).

Thank you very much in advance for your help,
