Hi Everyone.

Can someone please help me, I am new at stata (less than a month). I am in the process of declaring the survey data and tabulating the survey data. But I keep getting an error.
Below is my command:

svyset psu [pweight=person_wgt], strata(prov) //declare survey data
svy:tabulate sex [aw=person_wgt] //tabulate survey data
svy:tabulate agecategories [aw=person_wgt] //tabulate survey data
svy:tabulate race [aw=person_wgt] //tabulate survey data

and the error I keep getting is as follows:

svy:tabulate sex [aw=person_wgt] //tabulate survey data
weights not allowed with the svy prefix;
the svy prefix assumes survey weights were already specified using svyset

Can someone maybe tell me where I am going wrong?