
Please, I have 5 excel files: "File1.xls" to "File5.xls". Each file contains only 1 sheet: "Sheet1"
I want to import and merge them using variable id.
variable id uniquely identifies each observation in the excel files.

Usually, I import each file separately save them .dta, then merge. or use xls2dta to convert to. dta before merging. But I was looking for doing it with loop (foreach or forval), is that possible ? also if I have these files with completely different names (not indexed by numbers) for example instead of "File1.xls" I have "name.xls" and "File2.xls" "age.xls". is that possible?

I'm not also interested to keep the separate .dta files created before the merger

I would much appreciate your assistance on the subject.

Thank you in advance