
I was hoping someone could clarify this for me. I have used OLS regressions using the PISA dataset where most of my outcome variables are categorical in nature and measured on 4 point Likert scales, ranging from "Strongly disagree to strongly agree" with observations spread across all answer categories. with the exception of one variable that was just 'yes' or 'no'. My independent variables have been recoded as dummy variables including 'gender' and others such as a school being urban or rural.

Would I be correct to justify OLS as my outcome variables are categorical in nature, non-extreme in the value they take i.e. not just 0 or 1 and independent variables have been recoded as dummies, therefore, OLS can be used over logistic regressions and easily interpretable. All responses in PISA are scaled using item response theory. There has been no issue with my model also.

thank you in advance.