Thanks as always to Kit Baum, a new version of the sdecode package is now available for download from SSC. In Stata, use the ssc command to do this, or adoupdate if you already have an old version of sdecode.
The sdecode package is described as below on my website. The new version has a fast option, for programmers using sdecode in enormous datasets, specifying that sdecode will not go to any work to restore the old dataset if the user presses Break.
Best wishes
package sdecode from
sdecode: Decode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values
sdecode ("super decode") creates an output string variable with
values from the input numeric variable varname, using labels if
present and formats otherwise. The output string variable may either
replace the input numeric variable or be generated as a new variable
named newvar. Unlike decode, sdecode creates an output string
variable containing the values of the input variable as output by the
tabulate command and other Stata output, instead of decoding all
unlabelled input values to missing. sdecode is especially useful if
a numeric variable has value labels for some values but not for
others. msdecode is a multivariate version of sdecode, which inputs
a list of numeric or string variables and (optionally) a list of
delimiters, and creates a single string variable, containing the
concatenated values of all the input variables, decoded if necessary
and separated by the delimiters if provided.
Author: Roger Newson
Distribution-Date: 17november2020
Stata-Version: 13.0
INSTALLATION FILES (click here to install)
(click here to return to the previous screen)
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