Hi everyone,

I try to understand the difference between the codes mentioned in the header. On my dataset I tried following codes and got two different results

gen lcumreturn = L.cumreturn

gen lcumreturn_L1 = cumreturn[_n-1]
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float return double cumreturn float(lcumreturn_L1 lcumreturn)
1.0079681 1.0079680681228638         .         .
        1 1.0079680681228638 1.0079681 1.0079681
1.0039526 1.0119521853011548 1.0079681 1.0079681
  .984252   .996015938013521 1.0119522 1.0119522
    1.016  1.011952225317481   .996016   .996016
1.0177165 1.0298805042250194 1.0119523 1.0119523
1.0019342 1.0019341707229614 1.0298805 1.0298805
        . 1.0019341707229614 1.0019342 1.0019342
        .                  . 1.0019342         .
 .9560819  .9560818672180176         .         .
 1.048836 1.0027730744142218  .9560819  .9560819
1.0131539 1.0159634618241578  1.002773  1.002773
 .9927707 1.0086187891207565 1.0159634 1.0159634
 .9667113  .9750431634166093 1.0086188 1.0086188
1.0151422  .9898074643236853  .9750432  .9750432
 .9949268  .9949268102645874  .9898075  .9898075
 .9702436  .9653213434524304  .9949268  .9949268
1.0298847  .9941696783503577  .9653214  .9653214
1.0142422 1.0083288141464128  .9941697  .9941697
1.1347151 1.1441659112738582 1.0083288 1.0083288
1.0047648  1.149617627634143 1.1441659 1.1441659
 .9118093 1.0482320047894862 1.1496177 1.1496177
 .9703121 1.0171121547990258  1.048232  1.048232
1.0166008 1.0339970783111274 1.0171121 1.0171121
1.0062244 1.0404330833607063  1.033997  1.033997
1.0306382 1.0723100989061582  1.040433  1.040433