* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str110 fundname float obs "1-800-MUTUALS Advisor Series: Generation Wave Aggressive Growth Fund" 1 "1-800-MUTUALS Advisor Series: Generation Wave Alternative Growth Fund" 2 "1-800-MUTUALS Advisor Series: Generation Wave Balanced Growth Fund" 3 "1-800-MUTUALS Advisor Series: Generation Wave Conservative Growth Fund" 4 "1-800-MUTUALS Advisor Series: Generation Wave Growth Fund" 5 "111 Corcoran Funds:Bond Fund" 6 "1290 Funds: 1290 Convertible Securities Fund" 7 "1290 Funds: 1290 Diversified Bond Fund" 8 "1290 Funds: 1290 DoubleLine Dynamic Allocation Fund" 9 "1290 Funds: 1290 GAMCO Small/Mid Cap Value Fund" 10 "1290 Funds: 1290 Global Equity Managers Fund" 11 "1290 Funds: 1290 Global Talents Fund" 12 "1290 Funds: 1290 High Yield Bond Fund" 13 "1290 Funds: 1290 Low Volatility Global Equity Fund" 14 "1290 Funds: 1290 Multi-Alternative Strategies Fund" 15 end
My approach so far for solving this problem is to apply the function "reclink" (introduced by Michael Blasnik) on every name in the list. Specifically, I would try to repeat the process of fuzzy matching a name with the names after that one, and keep updating the using list. However, I would like to know if there are any other solutions that might be more elegant. Thank you very much in advance!
PS: This is the first time that I post on Statalist, so if there is any confusion, please point it out and I am more than happy to clarify. Thanks a lot!
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